Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

To be of any use to your loved ones, first help yourself. Move!
In 2014, 33 year old wholesome Amit, weighing at 104kgs, had taken his mother to hospital for kidney disease but was shocked to find his own blood sugars to be crazy high. This is his transformational story of moving for himself and his loved ones. This is a longer version of my column Run&Bee in Hindustan Times.

India Inc. motivated to be more active to get fit for their families
I would have never guessed that half of India Inc. employees would want to be more active to get fit for their families, as compared to a quarter who would for their own personal goals. That’s what Dr Divya Parashar and I found on a survey done at the Knowledge Conclave of Global Association for Corporate Services (GACS) focusing on Travel, Tourism and Hospitality as part of white-paper for Corporate Wellness Program we co-authored.

Stop preaching children to be active, start moving with them
Kids today are not as active or healthy as our generation (35-50 yrs) when we were young because the comforts are much more now. Rather than preaching them to be active, we need to start moving with them. Be a role model.