Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Running doesn’t cause knee arthritis, not running does
Contrary to what people think, it’s not running that causes the bad knee pains, but running with poor form. Unfortunately when you pick up running in 30s and beyond, you are trying too hard as you’ve forgotten how to move naturally, the way you did as a child.
There is no rocket science to it. You need to slow down and work on your strength training. Be patient as you’ve taken decades to master the art of moving inefficiently and unnaturally. It’ll all soon come together.

'(Expecting) Instant relief is a problem with patients and doctors'
'I have a reputation of being invited to medical conferences just once and never again. That's because I call a spade a spade.': Interview of the author of The Pain Handbook: A non-surgical way to managing back, neck and knee pain, with DNA newspaper.

Pain! What pain?
The pain you suffer is your problem. Harsh, very harsh, but true. Once you realize that, only then will changes take place in the right direction. Since it’s your problem, you need to take a more proactive role in treating pain and managing it. At times, pain is there to stay. But it’s entirely up to you if you have the desire to suffer as well. Below is an example of die-hard lady who decided not to suffer, even though she had enough pain thrown at her.