Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.
Why follow a 'no-diet' diet
Every season, a new ‘fad diet’ crops up. Many people spend large parts of their lives jumping from one diet to the next, hoping to find that magical bullet that will help them get the body of their dreams. Nearly all diets will work to some extent for a short period of time and people will see changes within hours or days. However, in reality, there should not be a diet. We should all follow the ‘no diet’ diet.
Playing Sports For Fun
Babies and children love playing, running and jumping around all over the place. When they start going to school, somehow, everyone is keen that they follow a structured programme without appreciating that we are all unique and different things work for all of us. Almost all children love to be active, but not necessarily all of what is being done at school, and almost definitely not the way it’s being done.