

60-70% of YOU are going to die because of the choices YOU make

The one thing that is confirmed, even more than Income Tax, is that you, I and everyone we have ever known or will know, will die. Today medical sciences are advanced to not let you die soon enough, but you’ll have a poor quality of life for a while, before you move on. The point is, let’s LIVE before we DIE. And just not exist.

Source: Corporate Wellness Programme: The Global Burden of Disease Study 1990 - 2016, Lancet September 2018

For every rupee spent by the employers, targeting 1% reduction in absenteeism.

Plus get Rs. 6.62 back as reduced health care costs.

Plus get Rs. 6.62 back as reduced health care costs.

Source: Corporate Wellness Programme: Benefits to Organisation & Economy - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)