Making a Dangerous event Difficult
All the runners at the start line of La Ultra - The High are winners and champions in my eyes. They are very special human beings. Mind you, I don't just let anyone get there. No, money alone can't buy you a ticket to this crazy race. Yes, I have had runners put all kinds of pressures to get in.
Reaching 6 min late at North Pullu (48 km) during 2013 edition of La Ultra - The High. (Pic courtesy Shilpi)
At La Ultra - The High, I try to make a Dangerous event Difficult. But most humans suffer from the 'Immortal till we die' syndrome. Rules up there are for the safety of the runners. That is my first priority. I would never ever compromise on that.
In 2013, a couple of runners made it to the first cut-off, i.e. North Pullu (48 km), 6 minutes later than the cut-off time. They were disqualified but they decided to carry on against the rules. Luckily nothing serious happened to them.
Below is a video from the finish of the same year where couple of Polish participants are asked about the incident. You need to hear what they say.