Finding a NEW YOU. Pro-Actively.
Folks who exercise and run, 'know' what they are doing but it's those who struggle to get started or stop before getting started, that need the most help. #555in321 is an initiative to get them moving. And to develop a sense of belonging with a bigger tribe, that too started from nowhere.
Most of us have been told by the so-sigh-tea (others or yourselves) that we can’t get fit. We then spend a lifetime proving that prophecy right. As part of the 10th edition I invite folks, who’ve struggled over and over again, to crawl-walk-run 555 kms (the longest category at the the 10th edition of La Ultra - The High) in next 321 days (as of 1st Oct 2018) and make ‘Impossible’ yell, ‘I’m Impossible’.
“555 kms is the longest category for edition of La Ultra - The High.”
10 years ago I was told that running long distances (222 kms) was not possible in Leh. It’s now been 9 years of getting people running there, ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things. But it all starts from that zero converting to one.
After having come back from 4th edition of La Ultra - The High in 2013, I was helping ladies of all ages and from all walks of life to get started and do 6 kms in 2-3 months time. I realised how difficult to get started. I am keen to get the non-beginners and strugglers to get moving.
“321 days are left to start of edition-X of La Ultra - The High.”
By the time participants of edition-X (10th edition) of La Ultra - The High get to the start line, i.e. 17th August, which is 321 days away, you would have done (crawl-walk-run) your own 555 kms. You don’t need to run every day, alternate days of 5-6 kms will work just fine. For health, that's good enough distance. #555in321
What will you get:
Edition-X t-shirt of La Ultra - The High within a few days of registering.
An option to join a ‘closed Facebook group’ where others like yourself will be there too. We will also, on a regular basis share videos and articles to encourage you to keep at it.
A medal and a certificate at the end of you doing 555 in 321 days.
Most importantly, a new you!