Instructions for Walk With Your Parents

Instructions for Walk With Your Parents on 5th January 2020 at GMR Aerocity

In case you haven’t registered yet, please do so. As much it’s free event, you registering will give us an idea of how many folks we need to organise for and cater to.

Reporting Time: 9:00 - 9:45 am

Start time: 10 am

Drop-off point: Pride Plaza. In any case there will be enough signages, so you’ll get here anyways no matter which entry you use to get in to Aerocity.
You can drop your parents and rest of the family here. Volunteers will take care of them.

Directions Walk With Your Parents.png

Drop-off Point


Drive towards parking. And then come back to the drop off point. It’ll be a 2 minute walk. Please don’t worry about your parents. Well take care of them as our own.


Once you enter through drop-off point, you’ll enter this area. Here will be registrations and you’ll get bib numbers.


Soon after you’ll have Family Photos taken by Printo. These photos will be handed to you after the walk.


Here we’ll be doing some warm-up exercises.

At the end of the concourse there are escalators and stairs going down, please don’t take them. Take left.


There are rows of cafes and restaurants on both sides.


Right here restrooms.


If you carry on walking, you’ll get to the assembly point for start of the walk.


There are selfie-points here.


This is the start point fo the walk. Right across is iWorld and Starbucks. If you are coming from Metro, you still need to get your registrations done, so please go the drop-off point first.


As in track running, we’ll go anti-clockwise.


Walk starts at 10 am.

Each loop is 1.5 kms long. You can take one, two, three or four loops. We’ll restrict traffic movement till 11 am.

Walk With Your Parents route.png

You finish at the start point itself. Do as many loops as makes you happy.


Take the lifts next to the start / finish to come down a level below for snacks, event t-shirts and family photos. Besides our snacks, there is a very nice food court there.


This is where snacks will be served.


Courtesy Printo, you’ll get printed family photos here.


You can up either using the lift, or escalators at the end of the walk way. There are restrooms at this level too.

Thank you all for coming for this event on this cool day.


Ready or not, Mumbai Marathon is here


Walk With Your Parents To Find Your Zen Zone