Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

If you are not running on the edge...
We all are a sum total of all our experiences and interactions with all the people that we ever meet throughout our lives. They come into our lives to make us what we become. We almost always assume that the most cherished relationships will last forever. (Drawing by Mark Chilcott)

At times giving your best isn’t enough
Don’t let me fool you. It absolutely matters because it meant an immense lot to you. But yet again, it is what it is. Try, because that’s all you can do, yet again. Give it your very best. Learn from your mistakes rather than being in your la-la land.

Instructions for Walk With Your Parents
5th January 2020, GMR Aerocity Delhi. Reporting 9:00-9:45 am. Drop-Off Point: Pride-Plaza. Walk Start time: 10 am from World Mark Square.

Busting Strength Training Myths for Runners
If running is your love, strength training ought to be your mother-in-law. Whether you like strength training or not, you need to do it on a regular basis to keep your running satisfied and happy to be able to perform at your best capabilities and to stay injury free.

Consistency crucial for excelling in running and life
As soon as new runners pick up running, they desire to run faster and longer, comparing with others. Magical potion is keeping things simple and consistency.

Life and Running after Surgery
At times surgery is the only option to get back to be as physically active as you were before the injury. That doesn’t mean surgery alone will get you back to previous fitness level.

Walk and Run with your Parents
More than ever, your parents, no matter what the age, need to start becoming active now, and pick up walking and or running too. Your occasional company would help with a better relationship between you and your parents even if you don’t end up speaking a word.

How should you Monitor your Heart Rate?
You have been trusting multi-billion dollar companies and start-ups alike for the heart rate zones you should be working out at. Do you ever question what is the assumption and is it specific enough for you? What do those numbers mean?

Every Breath You Take, Make it Count
The commonest complaint of beginner runners, even of walkers is that they get breathless very soon, instead it's their heart that is ready to jump out and go for a run. Most don’t even breathe optimally while sitting and then expect it to magically function to its best when they move. Here is a simple trick using a basic tool easily available that’ll be a game changer for you.

Mindful Running
Most walkers-runners walk-run the way they drive and vice-versa. Try out any park in India and you’ll find it pretty difficult to overtake those in front of you, not for lack of speed or will but because they aren’t prepared to let go of that prime real-estate they have recently acquired, whether by hook or by crook. Let us become mindful while running for our own sakes and others around us.