Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Mentors transforming to bullies in running & in life
We need to go back to the simple question that needs to be answered for your own sake every week. Why do you run? If besides everything else, it is about joy of running and to connect with your deeper self, we are on the same page. But if it’s only about a better time, longer distance each time and yet another finisher’s medal, I feel sorry for you. Somewhere you have lost the plot.

Run to get out of the Rat Race
We often look to others for appreciation, which then defines our sense of self-worth, which creates an internal disconnect. Shifali Gupta, a 40 years old, mother of two, first discovered running, jumped in to the deep end of the rat race, but along the way, happened to discover her own self too.

If you want to Run as Fast as you can, Slow Down
Many gurus and experts will give you a discourse on running and life at drop of a hat; a similar pattern found on social media. These sources undermine your true potential and only bring passive understanding. Lessons learned from your daily experiences are your best teacher. Focus on those, and how they will serve us well in the future.