Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

At times giving your best isn’t enough
Don’t let me fool you. It absolutely matters because it meant an immense lot to you. But yet again, it is what it is. Try, because that’s all you can do, yet again. Give it your very best. Learn from your mistakes rather than being in your la-la land.

Sorry for Cheating or for having been Caught Cheating?
Smith & Warner no doubt are great players but they were reported for ball tampering also in 2016 during a domestic match by their own umpires to their own referee. Winning at any cost is a very sad precedence being set in all sports by the role models in sports today.

Maths, Robbin Williams makes it fun
Robin Williams making maths fun. Probably a 1998 or 2002 video.
I thought of maths as fun... till calculus came along. I thought I was the only one till I saw these amazing videos of Robbin Williams, my favourite Hollywood comedian actor. Maths can be fun. Doesn't have to be boring. You can easily connect it with literature, art, theatre, movies etc. It's actually not about maths.