Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Consistency crucial for excelling in running and life
As soon as new runners pick up running, they desire to run faster and longer, comparing with others. Magical potion is keeping things simple and consistency.

Mindful Running
Most walkers-runners walk-run the way they drive and vice-versa. Try out any park in India and you’ll find it pretty difficult to overtake those in front of you, not for lack of speed or will but because they aren’t prepared to let go of that prime real-estate they have recently acquired, whether by hook or by crook. Let us become mindful while running for our own sakes and others around us.

Sorry for Cheating or for having been Caught Cheating?
Smith & Warner no doubt are great players but they were reported for ball tampering also in 2016 during a domestic match by their own umpires to their own referee. Winning at any cost is a very sad precedence being set in all sports by the role models in sports today.