Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.
It’s never too late to be more active
My College Dean, Dr. Nagra & Mrs Nagra picked up running at 74 & 69 yrs of age. They share their fitness routine, and dabbling with running at this ripe age. Physical fitness is an investment for a better tomorrow, he feels. Dr. Nagra gives his take on Sports Medicine from the 1990s and it's evolution to where it is now.

The Fizzy Healthcare Industry
It's being calculated that 20% taxes on fizzy drinks would add up to over a billion pounds a year. It's being recommended to use that money for treating obesity.

The most important feature of a good doctor
Viktor Frankl, a path-breaking psychiatrist, once told the story of a woman who called him in the middle of the night to calmly inform him she was about to commit suicide. Frankl kept her on the phone and talked her through her depression, giving her reason after reason to carry on living. Finally she promised she would not take her life, and she kept her word.
The Fizzy Healthcare industry
It’s probably important to make a disclosure at the outset that I hate fizzy drinks. I fail to understand why would anyone consume these slow poisons. I also happen to be an ultra runner who advocates physically active lifestyle for all.