Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.
If I can't do, I doubt if anyone else ever can
This is a biography of a disgruntled ultra-runner who truly believes that if he can’t do something, than obviously no one else ever can. He just suffers from what is generally the problem with the society at large today. He’s self-righteous but at the same time a nay-sayer, discouraging others to get started or keep moving. Who needs enemies when you are blessed with ‘fraternity friends’ like this.
Transforming to a nation of leaders than followers
No one is extra-ordinary. Actions are!: Last weekend, while the thousands ran Mumbai marathon, 3 ordinary working class Indians, made their way to Brazil135 ultra marathon, and made India proud. Followers had become leaders. That is the need of the hour.
Murdered the treadmill!
I wrote this blog / email on 22.2.2008. Some numbers raise their head even when you don't know what they mean. And then somehow it all makes sense.
(Disclaimer: This is not Sports & Exercise Medicine doctor writing but a crazy runner... a damn crazy runner. Please do not try this at home, kids please keep a watch on your parents)