Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Run to get out of the Rat Race
We often look to others for appreciation, which then defines our sense of self-worth, which creates an internal disconnect. Shifali Gupta, a 40 years old, mother of two, first discovered running, jumped in to the deep end of the rat race, but along the way, happened to discover her own self too.

If you want to Run as Fast as you can, Slow Down
Many gurus and experts will give you a discourse on running and life at drop of a hat; a similar pattern found on social media. These sources undermine your true potential and only bring passive understanding. Lessons learned from your daily experiences are your best teacher. Focus on those, and how they will serve us well in the future.

Running doesn’t cause knee arthritis, not running does
Contrary to what people think, it’s not running that causes the bad knee pains, but running with poor form. Unfortunately when you pick up running in 30s and beyond, you are trying too hard as you’ve forgotten how to move naturally, the way you did as a child.
There is no rocket science to it. You need to slow down and work on your strength training. Be patient as you’ve taken decades to master the art of moving inefficiently and unnaturally. It’ll all soon come together.

Stop preaching children to be active, start moving with them
Kids today are not as active or healthy as our generation (35-50 yrs) when we were young because the comforts are much more now. Rather than preaching them to be active, we need to start moving with them. Be a role model.
Are Insoles (Orthotics) The New Saviours For Your Feet & Running?
No amount of stability whether in-built in running shoes from the best brands or customised insoles (orthotics) are going to give you a long term solution. Only when you move and load those foot arches, similar to muscles in the rest of your body and even mind, will they get strong.

For Depression denial or outsourcing aren't solutions, Moving is
Depression doesn’t go away by being pressed away and is a real problem. An extremely big one at that. Here I share a recent Facebook Live conversation and a co-authored column in my series ‘Run & Bee’ in Hindustan Times with Divya Parashar, a psycho-analyst at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre.

Has exercise & sports helped you overcome bullying?
We all have been bullied at different phases of our lives, scarring us forever. If being more physically active, playing sports and doing exercises have helped, please do share. You could be a life-changing heroine or hero to someone you don't know.
GOYA33: Get Off Your Arse
3 very simple exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime. Do 3 times a day, 11-33 reps each time. Do for 33 days. Soon it'll become a habit & strength training wouldn't seem like such a big deal any more. GOYA and make others too as well.

GOYA (Get Off Your Arse) to Take on The Bullies
How does a 15 year old react when he gets into trouble with three of his seniors 3-5 years older, has asthma to deal and like any sane teenager, hates studies? Harhseath shares his experience and his journey.