Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Run and Bee in the COVID era
This is the first in the series on how to get back to being active in this Covid era which has broken us down more psychologically than physically. It’ll yet again be GOYA (Get Off Your Arse) that’ll help you reclaim your true self. No one else is going to come and fix anything for you.

How should you Monitor your Heart Rate?
You have been trusting multi-billion dollar companies and start-ups alike for the heart rate zones you should be working out at. Do you ever question what is the assumption and is it specific enough for you? What do those numbers mean?

Every Breath You Take, Make it Count
The commonest complaint of beginner runners, even of walkers is that they get breathless very soon, instead it's their heart that is ready to jump out and go for a run. Most don’t even breathe optimally while sitting and then expect it to magically function to its best when they move. Here is a simple trick using a basic tool easily available that’ll be a game changer for you.

Mindful Running
Most walkers-runners walk-run the way they drive and vice-versa. Try out any park in India and you’ll find it pretty difficult to overtake those in front of you, not for lack of speed or will but because they aren’t prepared to let go of that prime real-estate they have recently acquired, whether by hook or by crook. Let us become mindful while running for our own sakes and others around us.
It’s never too late to be more active
My College Dean, Dr. Nagra & Mrs Nagra picked up running at 74 & 69 yrs of age. They share their fitness routine, and dabbling with running at this ripe age. Physical fitness is an investment for a better tomorrow, he feels. Dr. Nagra gives his take on Sports Medicine from the 1990s and it's evolution to where it is now.

Reducing stress and performing optimally during examinations
Do we teach our kids to focus not just on their “doings” but also on their “beings?” What makes their hearts and souls beautiful and unique? What makes them happy and at peace? What virtues can we laud and appreciate? What do they have to show the world, which goes beyond academic accomplishments?
Are Insoles (Orthotics) The New Saviours For Your Feet & Running?
No amount of stability whether in-built in running shoes from the best brands or customised insoles (orthotics) are going to give you a long term solution. Only when you move and load those foot arches, similar to muscles in the rest of your body and even mind, will they get strong.

Sprinting for sub 2:30 half marathon
With all due respect to all the phenomenal coaches who make runners training for sub 2hr 30min half marathon (21 kms) do sprints during training, if I get to know about you, I'm going to...

Has exercise & sports helped you overcome bullying?
We all have been bullied at different phases of our lives, scarring us forever. If being more physically active, playing sports and doing exercises have helped, please do share. You could be a life-changing heroine or hero to someone you don't know.
GOYA33: Get Off Your Arse
3 very simple exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime. Do 3 times a day, 11-33 reps each time. Do for 33 days. Soon it'll become a habit & strength training wouldn't seem like such a big deal any more. GOYA and make others too as well.