Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

If you want to Run as Fast as you can, Slow Down
Many gurus and experts will give you a discourse on running and life at drop of a hat; a similar pattern found on social media. These sources undermine your true potential and only bring passive understanding. Lessons learned from your daily experiences are your best teacher. Focus on those, and how they will serve us well in the future.
It’s never too late to be more active
My College Dean, Dr. Nagra & Mrs Nagra picked up running at 74 & 69 yrs of age. They share their fitness routine, and dabbling with running at this ripe age. Physical fitness is an investment for a better tomorrow, he feels. Dr. Nagra gives his take on Sports Medicine from the 1990s and it's evolution to where it is now.

Running doesn’t cause knee arthritis, not running does
Contrary to what people think, it’s not running that causes the bad knee pains, but running with poor form. Unfortunately when you pick up running in 30s and beyond, you are trying too hard as you’ve forgotten how to move naturally, the way you did as a child.
There is no rocket science to it. You need to slow down and work on your strength training. Be patient as you’ve taken decades to master the art of moving inefficiently and unnaturally. It’ll all soon come together.
Need to Move For a Sense of Balance
“Blindness separates people from Things, Deafness separates people from People”. This quote from Hellen Keller sums up the importance of the senses of seeing and hearing in our lives, which enables us to forge personal and professional relationships as a society and with the surrounding environment.

Nuke-Lee-Us: Week 2
Now we are on to week 2 of Nuke-Lee-Us exercise program. We'll work with baby steps and not try to rush.

Week 1 - Launching Nuke-Lee-Us
I have come up with a very simple exercise program that can be done by anyone, anywhere. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes to do it, but by the end of 2018, you would have become super fit, someone you’ll be proud to know.
What if these weekly progressive exercises could help you do one-hand-pushs, single leg squats and super comfortable pull-ups along with running 5 kms non-stop by the end of the year? We’ll together get there.

सप्ताह 2 (minus 1)
न्यूक-ली-अस एक बहुत सरल व्यायाम कार्यक्रम है, जिसे कोई भी, कहीं भी कर सकता है । इसे करने से 2018 के अंत तक आप आराम से एक हाथ से पुश-अप्स, एक पैर से स्क्वाट्स , और बहुत आसानी से पुल्ल-अप्स के साथ-साथ बिना रुके 5 किलोमीटर भाग पाएंगे। आइये साथ में शुरुआत करें ।

Week 2 (minus 1)
I have come up with a very simple exercise program that can be done by anyone, anywhere. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes to do it, but by the end of 2018, you would have become super fit, someone you’ll be proud to know.
What if these weekly progressive exercises could help you do one-hand-pushs, single leg squats and super comfortable pull-ups along with running 5 kms non-stop by the end of the year? We’ll together get there.

सप्ताह 1 (minus 2)
न्यूक-ली-अस एक बहुत सरल व्यायाम कार्यक्रम है, जिसे कोई भी, कहीं भी कर सकता है । इसे करने से 2018 के अंत तक आप आराम से एक हाथ से पुश-अप्स, एक पैर से स्क्वाट्स , और बहुत आसानी से पुल्ल-अप्स के साथ-साथ बिना रुके 5 किलोमीटर भाग पाएंगे। आइये साथ में शुरुआत करें ।

Week 1 (minus 2)
I have come up with a very simple exercise program that can be done by anyone, anywhere. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes to do it, but by the end of 2018, you would have become super fit, someone you’ll be proud to know.
What if these weekly progressive exercises could help you do one-hand-pushs, single leg squats and super comfortable pull-ups along with running 5 kms non-stop by the end of the year? We’ll together get there.